Sunday, December 30, 2007

If you want to discuss politics with some truly racist pricks, then I suggest you check out:


Although they claim to not be racist a quick go around on the site brings such choice quotes from Cletus The Site Admin like this:

"The fact is, every single Mexican I have met without fail was not courageous enough to stand up against anyone by himself. They tend to run in gangs and use, usually, four or five people against one. The only time that one will actually even pretend to stand up to someone is when he is surrounded by others in a public place knowing that it is unlikely the person he is facing will hurt him in front of witnesses"

These are the types of people that run around covered in white sheets hiding their faces because they're sad pathetic assholes who anally rape their mothers while listening to Toby Keith. They probably are also pedophiles who enjoy Nascar and Dip. **** off you degenerates.

A Dictator Bush Christmas

So I'm pretty sure every self-loathing bastard in the U.S. is asking himself, "what did George W do for Christmas?". Well the Emir got his hands on an early report and it happened something like this:

Christmas is Curious George's favorite time of the year. He gathered up his usual plethora of Nazi Hate Mongers and gathered around eating a fantastic Christmas dinner. The main course was dead baby fetuses with rice and cream gravy. You got it, no wonder Shrub is so against stem cell research. He wants the fetuses all for himself.

Anyways to continue, after dinner he proceeded to screw Barbara Walter in exit chute and then called up Ahmadinejad on the phone and call his mother a whore. That'll do wonders for diplomacy.

All in all it was just another day in the Nazi Den, whoops I mean White House.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Porcupine Tree: Fear of a Blank World. Album of the Year!

It's the best thing Porcupine Tree has ever done. It's melodic, it's driving, it's inspirational. It's a thing of beauty in a world of music that has become ever so dull and derivative. It's easily the Album of the year and probably the best album I've heard in 2 or three years.

If you're in to symphonic or progressive rock you need to check it out.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jesus Jesus Fetus Eater

In a recent interview with yours truly, Christ advised me that he was infact very pro-abortion.

Interview Highlights at his home in Compton, CA:

Me: "So do you support abortion?"

Jesus: "Oh hell yeah dawg, man I made that bitch Mary Magdaline get one hundreds of times. Condoms weren't what they are now. Everytime she get one I used to waive my arms in the air and say, "hey ho, hey ho" like I just didn't care. One time I was high and actually ate a fetus. Taste like chicken dawg."

There you have it Jesus, Jesus Fetus Eater.

Manatees And The Manfred Mann Plot

Manatees are evil. That says it all. On countless occasions throughout history Manatees have tried to undermine humanities authoritative grip on this planet.

A little known occurrence in history happened on September 18th, 1962. This is the day that Manfred Mann appeared out of nowhere and took a solid grip on Rock music for years to come.

What does Manfred Mann have to do with manatees you may ask? Well Manfred Mann's real name is Manfred The Manatee! Oh yes! It really is that serious. Manfred Mann was sent topside(as manatees call it) to take over the human race with his catchy jingles. Manfred is what manatees refer to as a "Land Walker". "Land Walkers" are genetically enhanced manatees that have the ability to walk above land, and appear more human than manatee.
His hit song, "Blinded By The Light" is actually a heartfelt song about the struggles of a manatee living topside and being exposed to constant light. But don't feel sorry for him folks, he's pure evil. As a matter of fact he's more evil than evil allows.

Manfred had powers that we couldn't even imagine, but thankfully he got sidetracked by his immediate fame and McDonald's hamburgers. His plot fizzled.

What he looks like under the sea:

The Tragedy of Torgan The Torn.

Hearing the news of his brother Mandel the Marooned's failure. Torgan, vowed on everything that he
held holy to avenge his brother's marooning. Torgan as a boy had rejected the botanist ways of his
ancestor Borgen The Blue and instead of life, had invested in death. He was a weapons specialist.

Up until this time, Torgan had been a gigantic failure as a weapon specialist. He had chosen the job hastily
and in all honesty would much rather be following his real dreams of becoming the manager of a Howard Johnson
Hotel(which is still the dream of every Norwegian Male). In his heart he understood that his family name must
be avenged.

He worked day and night and like most Norwegians he was filled with hot air that continuously inhibited his work.
This was largely due to the Norwegians love of pancakes which caused massive gas build up as it ate them from the
inside out. It made the progress slow and tedious, but one day he thought of all that hot air that most
Norwegians held on a daily basis and about how strong in fact that part of the anatomy had become due to this

A light as bright as the sun lit up in Torgan's small pine-cone battered mind and in a fury of thoughts and grunts
he proceeded to think of the now infamous "Anatomy Cannon". Torgan's genius was insanity of a cholesterol fueled
kind. The kind only a pancake addict raised in a Howard Johnson's storage room could possibly have. He thought
if Norwegians could swallow pine-cones whole and then "cannon" them out, the pressure would be enormous. This
pressure would so great that not even body armor would be able to slow down the pine-cones of death. Torgan
emitted tears of joy as he realized the Norwegians scrawny flaccid arms would no longer be the down fall of their
clan. They could now fight the Pine-Coning Swedes with strength, force and fluidity.

Torgan immediately gathered the small and battered Norwegian army and in a speech worthy to be the Gettysburg
Address he gathered their support and cholesterol driven insanity, and marched with purpose towards Stockholm.

Tragon The Three Legged(who was very popular with the ladies I might add), who was Schloss The Spectacular's brother
had received news of the uprising through his Nokia phone(I don't even think that's chronologically correct).
In a fury of feverish finger mashing he proceeded to text the entire Swedish Army and they met on the South
side of Stockholm.

Within minutes the Norwegians arrived and as one can imagine the "Anatomy Cannons" had to be fired from a very
compromising position. This sight of this initially flabbergasted and disgusted the powerful Swedes. They were
frozen in shock and couldn't respond.

What snapped them out of it was the horrendous ripping sound as the first Pine-Cones exploded in fury out of the
"Anatomy Cannon". The first wave of Pine Cones rained down in a wicked torrential hell of
stench and glory. As the cannon fired pine-cones struck the flabbergasted Swedes body parts began to fly in a
spattering of blood and gore that had never been seen before. It was almost poetic in a hellish way.

Wave after wave of Swedes fell in the first tragic hours of this historical battle and Torgan had began think
that the Norwegians had struck back.

Tragon The Three Legged proceeded to call for reinforcements and in a matter of a few short minutes Schloss The
Spectacular with his army of Swedish man models arrived on the scene. In a move that has puzzled scholars for
decades Schloss raised his massive Swedish arms and screamed "Give me back my family"(we still don't understand
this)! Schloss' team of man models did help the Swedes as they were ferocious fighters with gigantic muscular arms.
However, the Swedes were still losing the battle as it raged into the night. The Norwegian attack had failed.

What Torgan The Torn had not accounted for was the ill effects that swallowing pine-cones whole and then cannoning
them out would have on the Norwegians internals. As the night went on Norwegians started dropping like hookers in church
due to the internal bleeding. By the time the next morning had arrived even Torgan had fallen.

The Norwegians lost 75% of their army due to internal injuries suffered from their own doing. Torgan himself had survived
because his families anatomy had become quite resistant to pine cones. He however did spend the rest of his life having
to eat strictly liquids due to the tearing internal. Because of this, he was aptly named Torgan The Torn.

The Swedes had won the battle but had suffered massive casualties. December 20th is now remembered as the "Butt Battering of 1919".

IHOP, What's The Deal?

Speaking of IHOP...have you ever noticed how no one that works there ever looks normal? I mean everytime I've ever been there the waitresses have either,A. been losing their hair,B. had no teeth, or C. just plain looked like the penguin from Batman. Odd, maybe it's because everyone that works there eats those flippin' pancakes. I told you all that it poisons you from the inside out! No one believed me, but now you're all paying dearly. Damn those Norwegian's and their murdering pancakes. I think I'm going to take care of this tonight with a handful of pine cones...