Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pancakes, Cholesteroled Cakes O' Death

Speaking of plagues on humanity, pancakes are a completely unnecessary evil. I mean look at them...all spongy and nasty, over-sweetened, over cholesteroled cakes of death. So actually, I guess the biggest plague on humanity would be IHOP...the international house of pancakes. I mean they have like 50 different kinds of pancakes, and the CEO even looks like a flippin' pancake. What bothers me even more is the fact that some people try to cover up pancakes true identity by calling them "flap jacks". Those people are spawns of satan...and you are being watched. So go ahead and eat your pancakes; be killed from the inside out by their evil poison. Just remember that the Emir warned you.....I bet they where even invented in Norway, while they were building their 900th Howard Johnson is Oslo.

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