Sunday, December 30, 2007

If you want to discuss politics with some truly racist pricks, then I suggest you check out:


Although they claim to not be racist a quick go around on the site brings such choice quotes from Cletus The Site Admin like this:

"The fact is, every single Mexican I have met without fail was not courageous enough to stand up against anyone by himself. They tend to run in gangs and use, usually, four or five people against one. The only time that one will actually even pretend to stand up to someone is when he is surrounded by others in a public place knowing that it is unlikely the person he is facing will hurt him in front of witnesses"

These are the types of people that run around covered in white sheets hiding their faces because they're sad pathetic assholes who anally rape their mothers while listening to Toby Keith. They probably are also pedophiles who enjoy Nascar and Dip. **** off you degenerates.

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