Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Dictator Bush Christmas

So I'm pretty sure every self-loathing bastard in the U.S. is asking himself, "what did George W do for Christmas?". Well the Emir got his hands on an early report and it happened something like this:

Christmas is Curious George's favorite time of the year. He gathered up his usual plethora of Nazi Hate Mongers and gathered around eating a fantastic Christmas dinner. The main course was dead baby fetuses with rice and cream gravy. You got it, no wonder Shrub is so against stem cell research. He wants the fetuses all for himself.

Anyways to continue, after dinner he proceeded to screw Barbara Walter in exit chute and then called up Ahmadinejad on the phone and call his mother a whore. That'll do wonders for diplomacy.

All in all it was just another day in the Nazi Den, whoops I mean White House.

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